View Full Version : 5 Series BMW
- Center console: manual versus automatic
- Goodbye 540i
- racing dynamics strut bar
- headers ???
- Bmw is coming out with more turbo motors it looks like
- Front Brake pulsation - ok to use new rotors when lots of pad left?
- Drivetrain vibration
- Is the e34 the best ever BMW?
- OT web site gurus...
- E12 M 535i experts here?
- New motor, day one!
- which color temperature recommend?
- M60 540i Injector Replacements
- Thrust arm torque. Different approach. Good?
- OT:A new BMA record?
- Signal indicator problem
- E39 Climate Control Problems!!!!!
- M50TU Valve/Piston interference?
- intake manifold
- 1995 530i trans program
- Anyone need a Pioneer CDX M30?
- Trans A/M Switch Needed
- 1994 BMW 540I Best Offer Dallas TX
- Other Pieces When Doing Flex Disc?
- 1992 525im with 208k miles - cheap
- Another automotive mystery....
- Whos made recent Car Sound Cat purchases?
- Help Me Choose Brake Pads - Hawk, Satisfied, or Akebono
- runs rough
- Mustang 19lb injectors on m20 input, please?????
- OT - BMW offerring turbo in the 2007 3 series!
- Anyone bought from
- The official Biggest e34 Meet Website is up
- Sad sad day [PICTURES]
- Free to a good home - Blue Fuel Door
- Stupid question: What's BMA's website URL?
- this is more fun then it should be
- OT : E30 used car Oz review
- Rear defroster acting wierd
- ZF rebuild info.
- Fuse #23
- HELP! Installed EAT chip and the car won't start!
- Anyone looking for an E34 in LosAngeles?
- Unloader Relay ????
- *****March 7th OT Thread******
- Nice 540/6 on CL Portland
- V Belt Replacement
- Wood panels on these interesting locations..
- M60 Clutch Bleeding?
- OT: 318it sport
- a few random e34 questions
- Ahhh....the good old days....
- Check for faulty tq converter
- wheel help
- FS: M3 1999 race car for Sale- $38k
- OT--New Project Car?
- Ccm/lkm Repacement
- Need help with OBC/Wiper/Cruise Problem
- Lowered E34 530i
- 540 stalling
- To Shadow or not to Shadow...
- Boge w/ Vogtland
- will an m5 (e34) clutch work in my '95 540i 6 sp?
- Guibo & Vibration Damper
- Stalling going to 200RPM WTF???
- 95 525ia tranny
- WTH is this thing?
- 530/540 sports exhaust on the bay
- trunk to pickup conversion within minutes
- Windows stop working.
- Speedometer and climate control lights don't work!
- Stereoa Amplifier Gotcha!!
- Koni Sport Shocks on their 540i's existing springs?
- Dinan S2 M5 e39 vs stock e60 M5
- hub info
- WTB: Wiper Linkage & Motor (02 E34)
- help me please!!! BMW gear ratio?
- Do I need springs?
- *****March 8th OT Thread******
- Valve Noise and Repair update
- LF picture of bra.
- e34 owners manual
- OT: Good news from zmuff
- ::.. How long is the cone filter on the K&N 57i Induction kit?
- Sorry bout the outage, not sure what went wrong...
- OT: 98 ford ranger w/ CEL, catalyst effic. below threshold/ 1 bank....
- OT: BMW's new letter
- Vid - BMW gets wild police escort through town,
- New motor, day numero TWO
- Hi all...just bought my first!
- My beemer has an attitude.. stalls
- Hello Folks...Anyone selling DME for my E34
- Super Torque Wrench
- My 518 (with pics)
- What's the going rate on LSD diffs?
- 1995 540 6-speed in CT
- Wacky Wipers!
- Coolant Problems and Injector Noise
- Has anyone haggled w/ BavAuto on a Tri-Flo?
- Please help, Injector leak, or is it?
- 3 stupid questions
- Check for ignition?
- Good price for Style 5s?
- E34 Auxiliary cooling fan problems
- OT: Snow Day
- for jon k, OT e30 with m50
- Frameless Wipers
- New Contour Reps!
- Belt Tensioner Location
- want to convert to manual 94 540i
- Sorry guys
- Anyone here driven on the nurburgring?
- Swaybars for 525it?
- M30 heavy wear #1 ex. cam lobe Lash cap help?
- oil cannister cap
- AFM Conversion -- Who has one?
- Re: the downtime earlier, sorry guys it was my fault
- Fuel Pump Removal
- OT: ::.. A plug for TireRack
- ::.. What's the standard wheel bolt size for our vehicles?
- Canadian source for hub centering rings?
- OT anyone have a carfax? quick!
- Price diff 95 m-sport and 540/6
- Megasquirt is built
- Whats the easiest way to save flash animations?
- Advice of the century!
- Look what we got :) Pics.
- M50 - Strange oil smell in car
- Whole car shakes after bottoming out
- Fixed the valvecover leak, stalling - now more problems.. GRRR
- New dogbones=no shimmy
- Michelin MXV8 any body use them?
- Guys/Gals I need your help!
- BMW X5 with Mclaren F1 engine...
- Trans slipping problem!
- Why the 5?
- Update
- Checking oil pressure @ 6100 rpm
- a table made of an engine block
- Dropped too much for the street?
- E.A.T. Chip Installed on 535i
- RIP Ginger?...
- Know any Boise Idaho BMW transmission mechanics?
- Which Years Wiper Linkage will fit 92 E34??
- Heater core failure
- New to forums and need help
- To get me out of my funk, a review of the new 550i
- OK so my car is doing some scary stuff.
- Australia meet link and pics
- Tale of fixing my 525i...
- e34 Cd changer install (have a good laugh)
- Ticking injectors?
- Installing Interior Neons (alot harder then expected)
- Quick oil weight question
- favorite headunit
- All of my questions at once
- Check Tranny Fluid
- What is going on with my car?
- HID. Power from factory plug or battery? which is better option?
- the holy grail?
- OT Anybody post on Gone, down, or my pc setup?
- e34 M5 S38B38 wiring diagram
- MOMO Steering wheel
- 525it, 58k, $7.9???
- How 'Generic' are Pilot Bearings?
- Icv
- E34 535is problems...
- BMW throttle stuck and then crash at 130mph ??
- 530i Oxygen sensor issue
- AC and horn driving me crazy!
- 18" AC Schnitzer Wheels "Wanted"
- Junkyard steering wheel removal
- Clutch Slave Question
- Thrust arm torque/preload. Rear on ramps vs jack under diff?
- E60 wheels on E34
- BMW Spark plugs - Pre gapped ?
- 530i is on jack stands as I type...
- silverstars???
- Traffic pro?
- light braking vibration- cause?
- Another nice M50 based mongrel mill.
- OT: post pics of your e34's house
- Ramps- How keep em from sliding?
- Which other M30 models fit in my e34 535i?
- Would this work in my BMW?
- Rough idle - after reaplced coils and fixed engine...
- Alpina m30 air intake setup
- Where can I find this clip?
- ::.. Which model has the 90 litre gas tank (dash display)?
- Anybody here got MPT for Motorola Razr V3
- OT: if that oth crap gets posted---What do i need to know to pick out a generator?
- how much back pressure does my m30 engine need?
- Symptom of failing fuel pressure regulator - E34 M50
- United Nations Thread..where did it go??
- Remote Start and Valve Adjustments
- plz help. Changed spark plugs still problems
- "Coolant Level" Warning
- Good bodyshop in the Toronto area?
- Radiator hose clamps
- Squeaking from brakes?
- OT other stuff
- Anti-Theft Radio
- The Black Widow of Transmissions
- DON'T Forget...The E34 Summer Meet, less than 3 months away!
- Torn between vehicles
- Hi all - I'm back in the land of the living...
- No spark on cylinder 4.. Good coils.. M50
- Easy seat click fix
- Seat Removal
- 95 525i auto Shifter problem
- E34 M50 questions
- Brake Life?
- "new" E30
- Sorry, More OT: Thanks Torque!
- Microfilter rant
- NC Rigfest 2006 (?)
- What are these things right here? (serious ?)
- Peake tool
- Cool item on the 'bay check out item#
- 9005/9006 low beam conversion
- M20 with 5sp auto was this an option?
- Clicking sound from engine on cold weather
- Heater core & Recall - expert opinions welcome...
- Umm...I that a good idea?
- ::.. Retrofit Microfilter in 'older' cars
- E.A.T. chip & Peake tool-problem?
- M50 coil connector pinout?
- 20% off coupon at Harbor Freight. Can email
- Motor replacement??
- HELLO....and HELP!!
- New rear shock mounts still rattle... help pls
- Euro E38 4-pots on an E34?
- Strange Starting
- Russell Speed Bleeders Good Deal
- Car Buying Strategy - E34 vs E39
- Troubleshooting my HVAC
- HAh! Yet another e34 spring brand...
- P/N for M-Tech sideskirts??
- Boston/Worcester/MASS --> 1991/1992 525I/M50 BMW ECU required for check/purchase?
- Coolant Temperature
- ::.. Shifter vibration... different
- e34 blue with m-pars on TV
- proper wheel bolt torque 72 ft lbs?
- OT: Web Gurus: How to be rid of "Win Reg Fix" pop up?!?!
- An intersting little dilemma
- OT: E32 8 series owners manual for download-German
- source for ball joint boots?
- Ot: Carfax Needed Please
- New pictures of the M5 with E38-Front
- new amp
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