View Full Version : will the tranny pan from a 95 525i fit onto my 92 525i?

ryan roopnarine
11-15-2005, 11:45 AM
im thinking there might be a problem, as after 92, the dipstick was eliminated on my transmission, and an extra fill hole was added to the pan (whereas my 92 has no fill hole, just a dipstick up top). i ask because, though the part number of both matches, there may be some hidden catch that i don't know about (like how an e36's m50 motor oil sump is too deep to use on an e34/m50 application, and must be changed. i have a dented pan, which is causing a decent amount of fluid to leak out, and someone is making me an offer on both front/back pans that is too good to turn down, ie, im too lazy to try with fender hammers and anvil to straighten mine out and have them work right. thanks.

ryan roopnarine
11-15-2005, 09:02 PM
kick in da dooh, and let da (bump--bump) get 'em