View Full Version : OT interesting article

632 Regal
03-14-2004, 06:49 PM
on heath and oils and stuff...found this after researching an article saying that canola oil was toxic...had to check into it myself.

learn stuff for your health. (http://web.ask.com/redir?bpg=http%3a%2f%2fweb.ask.com%2fweb%3fq%3dwhy %2boil%2bin%2bsalad%253f%26o%3d0%26page%3d1&q=why+oil+in+salad%3f&u=http%3a%2f%2ftm.wc.ask.com%2fr%3ft%3dan%26s%3da% 26uid%3d2443e43c2443e43c2%26sid%3d3443e43c2443e43c 2%26qid%3d7B4C6E18874B994A8ACAE499583A63E3%26io%3d 5%26sv%3dza5cb0ddf%26o%3d0%26ask%3dwhy%2boil%2bin% 2bsalad%253f%26uip%3d443e43c2%26en%3dte%26eo%3d-100%26pt%3dCanola%2bOil%26ac%3d1%26qs%3d0%26pg%3d1 %26ep%3d1%26te_par%3d102%26te_id%3d%26u%3dhttp%3a% 2f%2fwww.karinya.com%2fcanola.htm&s=a&bu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.karinya.com%2fcanola.htm&qte=0&o=0)

03-15-2004, 10:39 AM
It looks as though someone got their wires crossed along the way and published results based on Olestra...? Sunflower seed oil not good for you? Hmmm.... Pretty soon all cooking oils will be bad for you and we will have to resort to the super-saturated Crisco.

Here's another one, polyunsaturated fat-based oils (pretty much found in every vegetable oil) are generally not good for cooking. They are easily damaged by heat (overheating??). Once damaged, they become very toxic. On this note, I'm outta he'e.

632 Regal
03-15-2004, 12:36 PM
the worst thing is the hydroginated/partially hydroginated oils are the worst contenders. I cook a lot and use canola oil and when I read this I did more research and canola is about the best of all the evils. That article basicly makes it sound that all oils are bad, which they probably are but I choose the lesser of evils...canola. Should try my fried chicken some time :D

03-15-2004, 04:47 PM
I too cook alot with canola (actually not that high in poly-) and olive oils. I'll try your fried chicken (hopefully, southern style) and you can try my deep fried, jumbo-size, breaded scallops :p .

the worst thing is the hydroginated/partially hydroginated oils are the worst contenders. I cook a lot and use canola oil and when I read this I did more research and canola is about the best of all the evils. That article basicly makes it sound that all oils are bad, which they probably are but I choose the lesser of evils...canola. Should try my fried chicken some time :D

632 Regal
03-15-2004, 06:12 PM
I too cook alot with canola (actually not that high in poly-) and olive oils. I'll try your fried chicken (hopefully, southern style) and you can try my deep fried, jumbo-size, breaded scallops :p .