08-19-2006, 10:46 PM
HELP! Ok I shoe horned my 6'2 240lbs self into the sorry excuse for a work space called the passenger side floor and sill. The info for the Microfilter change on our site was great. But truth be told this job was still a major PIA. After the job took 2 hours of my life I was fired up to start the 535 and feel that A/C blow me away. Problem is that it did not. The old filter was really not as bad as some of the photos I have seen here. Any ideas on why my A/C vent pressure is just not blowing much at all? And to top it off the A/C is not getting cold, even on highway runs. When I fire the car up and hit the A/C switch I do here the pump or what ever is toward the front of the motor go on. Please someone with experiance HELP!