View Full Version : red seats - here in a 750 E32

12-12-2006, 06:55 PM
Whow, for 990 EURO a 750i, and with complete red leather inside.
Owner must have worked in a red light district :)
http://www.mobile.de/SIDQZ1ZKEcAOjEFtXIv2n9MDw-t-vaNexlCsAsCsKóPóR~BmSB11LsearchPublicJ1165440969 A1LsearchPublicD1100CCarX-t-vctpLtt~BmPA1A1B20B13‚D-t-vCaMiMkQuRDSeUnVbZRZi_X_Y_x_ycordsO~BSRA6D1100Z33| 34|35|36|37|38|39|40|41D3500BGND1994CPKWA0HinPubli cB50E82140A2A0C400A0ADD1985A0/cgi-bin/da.pl?bereich=pkw&sr_qual=GN&top=7&id=11111111236720318&

12-12-2006, 07:45 PM
Not sure I care for them in a bigger luxury car. I do really like the 88 325ix with cardinal though. Been keeping my eyes peeled for one.

12-12-2006, 08:44 PM
The seats in my 535 are the exact same color. The door and dash panels are not red though. I love it!