It's function 9 once the OBC is unlocked. I don't have the unlock procedure handy but it's here if you search.
Dave M
11-12-2007, 01:09 PM
Recently posted by Shogun. From
"FREI", indicating the system is now unlocked.
Eich probably you pushed
20 Correction Factor for OBC Fuel Consumption
Has nothing to do with Reich. Eichen means adjusting to correct value.
Getting into the Test Codes:
Push OBC buttons 1000 and 10 together. You will see the word Test. By pressing a combination of the 10 and 1's you can enter Test Codes from 1 to 21. After entering the number press R/S and you will get a continuous display of the test function. To cancel, just press any of the OBC function keys.
List of Available Tests:
Test Number Description
1 Display Test (all LCDs and LEDs activate)
2 Current Consumption in litres / 100 km
3 Current Consumption in litres / hour
4 Average consumption (used in calculating range)
5 Current Range
6 Not used (this function is active on some, but not sure of the purpose)
7 Fuel Remaining in Tank (litres)
8 Current speed (km/h)
9 System Voltage at Terminal R
10 Country / Language
11 Units /
12 Average speed (km/h) for calculating ETA
13 ETA
14 Date of software / mask of OBC
15 Production Diagnosis
16 Production Diagnosis
17 Display Vehicle Specific Data
18 Alarm Changeover (continuous vs. intermittent)
19 Lock / Unlock all functions (Sum of month and date to unlock or lock)
20 Correction Factor for OBC Fuel Consumption
21 Reset all defect codes, date and time
!!! You need to unlock the OBC before you can change the settings. !!!
How to lock and unlock the OBC:
To unlock the OBC, first press the date key, and add the month and day together. So, if the date is displayed as "0704", the result is "11".
Go to test 19 by pressing the 1000 and 10 buttons together, and then typing in the test number (19)·
You will see the word "LOCK" displayed. Type in the result from step 1 above, and press S/R·
If you display test 19 again, it will now display "FREI", indicating the system is now unlocked.
To lock the system again, go to test 19, and press the little button on the top left hand corner of the OBC (F/C).
How to correct your fuel consumption readout:
If your car is anything like mine, the fuel consumption readout will be way out. But it can be adjusted! First, you need to measure your fuel consumption as accurately as possible, by filling up the tank, driving until nearly empty, filling again, and figuring out your fuel consumption, in either litres / 100 kms, or MPG. At this point, also note what the fuel consumption as reported by the OBC is. You need both figures to make the adjustment. Once you have that accurate figure, follow the following procedure:
Unlock the OBC as described above.
Go to test 20.
This is the existing fuel consumption constant used in the calculation.
Find the ratio between the old consumption reading, and the actual consumption reading:
For litres per 100kms, this is the actual consumption divided by the reported consumption.
For MPG, it is the opposite. Ie. It is the reported consumption divided by the actual consumption.
Now multiply that ratio with the existing fuel consumption constant, the result is the new constant.
Simply type in the new constant, and press S/R NOTE: Some claim that for some reason, if you don't drive your car for a day or two, the constant will reset back to 1000.
Q: Is it possible to change the display language from German to English (or indeed other languages) when reprogramming the OBC ?
A: It is indeed possible to change the country code on an E32/34 OBC. Strangely enough, I couldn't do it on the E39. On E39, you can see and even unlock the test codes, but it still doesn't let you change the country code. Are we going backwards? In any case here is how to do it on E32/34:
1) Get into the test mode and unlock the OBC following the instructions in my original message.
2) Go to Test 10.
3) By default, the country code is set to "LAND:0 D" which is Deutschland.
4) Scroll though other countries by pressing "1". US is country code "LAND:2 USA" for example.
5) When you see the country you want, press the "S/R" key to set it.
6) Press the check key to test.
Note: When you set it to USA or UK, you will probably get the British Measurements. If you prefer metric ones (Km, Km/hr, Ltr. etc.) like I do, you will have to set each display separately. But you don't have to be in the test mode for that.
Q: Do you know if it is possible to change the warning display language (ie the messages which appear above the service indicator lights on the dashboard, such as 'Handbrake On' 'Low Oil Pressure' etc - the default is German - can it be changed to other languages?).
A: You have to do this:
1. Turn the ignition key to position one (first click).
2. Push and hold down the cc button (right one).
3. After 5-10 seconds in the cc display will appear a language name. If you want this language turn off the ignition and it is done. If you donīt want this language go again to step 2...
P.S: be patient, there are lot of languages... also English UK and English US
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