View Full Version : How do I turn off Chime at :59 every hour?

11-26-2007, 06:38 PM
Press the S/R button when the clock is displayed. You'll see the chime icon appear and disappear. The 38 degree or less chime cannot be turned off -- it's to warn you that the roads might be icy.

11-26-2007, 06:52 PM
The 38F chime is for safety, a warning against the possibility of ice on the road. Checking the owner's manual, there seems to not be a way to turn it off. I get a temp reading all winter long on start.

If you have the 12 button OBC, to set the clock chime off, simply press S/R as you are in clock mode, and you will notice the alarm logo turn on or off.

The six button OBC; the manual says the Memo button is for the alarm (toggle on/off), 15 seconds before the hour in order to let you tune in to the hourly news.

11-26-2007, 06:59 PM
15 seconds before the hour in order to let you tune in to the hourly news.

Whether you take advantage of it or not... I think that was a badass feature for BMW.

11-26-2007, 08:06 PM
build a time machine and go back in time when it hits :58. just make sure tha last 58 minutes were good ones

11-26-2007, 10:11 PM
The title says it all. I get the chime at 36 (38) degrees F also.