View Full Version : e34 M5 Calendars (and e39 M5's as well!)

01-19-2014, 07:07 PM
Hey all,

It has been a while since I have been on here. Sold the e34 and got into a e39 M5 instead (which was gloriously featured in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ_2IYbsiLk&feature=youtu.be) Still miss the e34, and occasionally I run into the guy who bought it (he has since bought another e34 and a e34 Touring!)

In collaboration with the M5board members, I have produced two different calendars that you guys might like, a e34 M5 and e39 M5 calendar.

The e34 version looks like http://studioem.zenfolio.com/2014e34m5calendar
It is 8.5x11 inches, and comes wrapped in shrink wrap.
It cost $12 a piece and shipping to the US is $5.60. (Canada $19.95 and anywhere else: $23.95)
Here is a post with a picture of the actual item: http://www.m5board.com/vbulletin/e34-m5-discussion/335897-2014-e34-m5-calendars-have-arrived-payment-details-enclosed.html

The e39 version, although a wonderful item, got beat up a bit in transit:
the cover pages are scuffed, so these are discounted to $8 a piece
The e39 version looks like this: http://studioem.zenfolio.com/2014e39m5calendar
Shipping to is US is $5.60. (Canada $19.95 and anywhere else: $23.95)
pictures of the e39 version with typical damage are here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/us4j0cyv48ck1mt/Photo%20Dec%2013%2C%202%2045%2030%20PM.jpg

Shipping is a flat-rate, I can fit about 4-6 calendars in each package.

Supplies are somewhat limited, especially of the e34 version. To buy one, shoot me an email to mehrdadse@gmail.com and/or paypal your cost to the same email address. Please include your address and which version(s) you like. I will confirm individually with you.
