View Full Version : E34 updated bonnet and grill

12-29-2004, 04:59 PM
I had an updated 1995 e34 bonnet and grill professionally fitted to my 530.
What a shocking job. The line between bonnet and top of grill now has about a 15mm gap and the bonnet on the left hand front is raised about 20mm, but, the rest of the bonnet is sitting down okay. The guys that did the job say they could see no way of adjusting it. If anyone has done this job, is this true, or, are there ways of adjusting? Thanks.

Mr Project
12-29-2004, 05:13 PM
Doesn't sound very 'professional' to me. I haven't looked at that area specifically...but I seriously doubt that the front hood gap isn't adjustable. Sounds like a case of lazy incompetent body shop guys.

12-29-2004, 10:22 PM
u went from skinny grill to wide grill?

the hood gap is controlled but the rubber resting screws....but i'm
not sure if they effect the front part of the hood...thats the hinges
holding it in place