View Full Version : 1994 540i Aautom. Shifter knob prob

01-07-2005, 01:55 PM
I recentl bought a 540i and had to take a 12 hour trip to bring it home. When i got here i couldnt push the shifter knob button to place the SK on parking, after several attemps and some work it got on P. But next morning when i tried to move the shift knob it wouldnt work. the button feels loose, and it is stuck on P. Any help is appreciated since im in Venezuela and the closest dealership is 3 hour away.

George Davis
01-07-2005, 02:52 PM
First, there is a brake interlock, at least in my car there is. I have to press the brake pedal to put the car into Park or take it out of Park.

If that doesn't help, the handle is held on by a 3 mm allen screw, located in a hole on the front side of the handle. Remove the screw and pull the handle straight up. There should be a white plastic rod hanging from it. The rod goes over a pin on the button. The rod should be loose and floppy, but should not fall out of the handle. Make sure it's ok and is not binding somehow.

Good luck.