OT: I got towed in front of my house by the HOA today
Came out this morning to find my 01 330Ci missing from where I parked it last night.
I opted not to park in the normal parking spaces of our condo parking lot due to the fact that there were large pieces of construction equipment parked in many of the spaces (bulldozers, trailers, miscellaneous equipment). There were spots open next to the equipement, however, the last time they did this (when they re-roofed the building), they asked us NOT to park near the equipment.
So, I double parked my girlfriends car because I knew I would leave before her in the morning. Came out to find that the car had been towed for improper parking.
Searched all around in the morning to find one small brand new sign that said "do not park on the grass" and another sign for "Kings Towing" underneath it at the entrance of the complex.
I'm good friends with most of my neighbors, they would never call to complain for anything (I fix all their computers and will answer my door at any time if they ever have a problem, and they know this). My neighbor informed me that the head of the HOA was walking around last night giving everyone crap about all sorts of stuff (un picked up newspapers, grilling in the yard, etc). Apparently he's a real a-hole, and that it was probably him.
Legally, I think they may have a stronger case than me, because there was a sign up, and there were open parking places. But for F***S sakes, knock on my door or something! Don't just immediately tow a car because its parked behind another! I parked there SO THAT I WOULDN'T INCONVENIENCE THE CONSTRUCTION CREW!
There was no letters or signs that said "Park near the clubhouse/next apt complex during repairs", and its not like I do it every day because I'm lazy. An appropriate response would have been "Hi, Im XXX from the HOA. I know that there is construction equipment in the spots, but you can park here or here for the time being. We'd appreciate if you didn't park near the curb". No, they just immediately call the towing company.
So I'm out $130, wasted my morning, and scuffed up a good pair of shoes picking the car up in the F'N boondocks on dirt roads. Yes, I'm trying to get the HOA to pay for it, but as usual, no one returns my phone calls (I've called like 3 times today). The fact that the a-hole that called it in is the pres of the HOA probably is gonna stop me dead in the water anyway.
On a lighter note, I'm happy that it wasn't worse. The towing company didn't steal the oakley's or the $20 in cash I had in the center console, and they didn't damage the car, which is what I was worried the most about. Some poor lady was at the towing place with 2 toddlers and they wouldn't give her her car back that they had towed because they damaged it while towing it. Now THAT is a shi**y situation.
All right, thanks for listening guys. I have to get back to work. F'in HOAs.
send a complaint in writing
to the HOA, and if the use a porperty manager co them too.
point out that work was being done near your stall. would they rather pay for the damage to a car?
next HOA meeting attend a with your complaint and rip some ass.
I was a resident manager for years in a small condo, and would reserve towing for only the problem residents. If some was parked wrong, I'd try to find them and if they were cool I'd give them a vacant stall to park for a while.
No good deed goes unpunished....
Here in Arizona, they are starting to pass laws that help deal with overly-pushy HOA members. They are a bunch of insecure, weak, spineless pukes unless they are given of title of "Lord of the Neighborhood".
Kick their asses!