Are you talking about the exterior chrome / plastic type trim? I need to replace the same if so. Where did you find the replacement pieces?
Just pull? I got an EM asking if I still have it, which obviously I do, but i'm not sure how to remove it. Any Ideas guys?
Are you talking about the exterior chrome / plastic type trim? I need to replace the same if so. Where did you find the replacement pieces?
The peice that houses the rear interior lights, then you pull gently and the panel come out. Make sure to feed the lights back through the holes.Originally Posted by TheGeak
'92 525iA / 179k miles / Born 3.92 / ABS / No ASC / stock / North Carolina
Paper Gaskets Suck!
Nope, i'm talking about the exterior chrome (mine are black) pieces. I'm trying to remove mine so that they can be sold to someone else (if this can be done) *keeps his fingers crossed*