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Thread: What would cause the tach to read incorrectly?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Eastern Tennessee USi


    guess I'll throw in my 2¢

    I would think it has something to do with the capacitors in the cluster, maybe you can compare them against each other and isolate the non-conformist and solder that to the new board. It's just a guess but I give you something to think about, hope you get this figured out.

    95 E34 530I V2.37
    Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

    John F. Kennedy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Benneton (United Colors of)

    Default autozone sells....

    a voltage regulator for the instrument console....if you have already tackled the capacitors and stuff.....fords sometimes develop a lagging tachometer with a failed instrument regulator.....(called autozone for alternator regulator, told me only thing they had was for instruments, go figure)....i don't know if the fact that you have an m20 i guess??? and its from a 93 in which only a m50 would be, would play a part.
    "..Torchinski v. Peterson that it is legal to carry a concealed weapon, so long the weapon is totally slick like a huge ass machine gun that you carry under a trench coat, like in the Matrix."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Toronto, Canada

    Default Damn...I was trying to save money...

    Thanks guys. I got a pretty good deal on this cluster. But I guess sometimes when you cut corners it ends up costing more. So, I should probaby buy a 1990 cluster and sell this one.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Benneton (United Colors of)

    Default well.....

    which car/engine do you have? might not make a difference, it might just be something like the voltage regulator thing i mentioned.
    "..Torchinski v. Peterson that it is legal to carry a concealed weapon, so long the weapon is totally slick like a huge ass machine gun that you carry under a trench coat, like in the Matrix."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Toronto, Canada

    Default Does it have a voltage regulator that needs replacing or is it something to add?

    Hi Ryan,

    I have a 1990 525i with the M20 and a 5-speed. Does the car have a voltage regulator that needs replacing or is it something I have to add. If I have to add it, where does it go?



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