Who can help me

Hi all

I have a 1995 e34 540I

I have some problem on it

when i drive and push petrol pedal the car want to go fast but the engine is off and on. whe i start the car at any time and drive on first push for petrol pedal the problem is not comming but when i stop and push agine the problem is comming.

I toke it for a grages someone tell me its fule problem, you have a poor fule pump. someone tell me the problem from the fule regulator.

I replaced the fule pump , fule filte , fule regulator , Idel air valve , clean the injectors , AFM , Engine DME and crank shaft sensor.

I toke it to some grage have a computer to check it all diagnostic's didn't want to enter. they told me the diagnostic line is bloked or locked.

I want to know whats the problem on my car and what to do to repair it and i want to know why the diagnostic line is bloked or locked.

MY car vin no. gf07322

and thanks for all
please help me
