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Thread: 535i Sport 1991 UK Heater Problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Default 535i Sport 1991 UK Heater Problem

    The heaters for the car just died..Nothing happens when i rotate the rotary controls,in any posititon. This model has a/c as well..been doing some research on this forum, and every thing points to the problem could be the heater resistor.. Pictures etc seem to be for US Spec Cars, would they be the same for UK as i've tried looking in the left side footwell center console for this resistor.. Can someone tell me the exact location? Checked Fuses all ok.. Could the blower fan unit be faulty and where is that located exactly and how do i get to it, as the haynes reference manual is not exactly much help with pictures!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Sydney, Australia


    Forget the Haynes manual. The same people write them as make Land Rovers so nothing lines up, the simplest things are made over-complex and the smart bits are ignored altogether. Let alone half of it being round the wrong way in the first place.

    It's obvious they use workers laid-off by Leyland in the early 80s to do their documentation.. by contrast the American Bentley manuals are worth the extra money many times over. The Haynes ones cost you in confusion. Never, ever buy one (I wouldn't even photocopy a single page).

    However, there is plenty of help online for your problem. I've never had a blown sword, but if I suspected it, I'd look for power at the parts that need it when you select a particular function. If it is just the blower not working and there is no power at the motor, trace back (and yes its proly the sword). Check any relays and fuses JIC (first).

    The resistor (or sword) runs along between the console and the firewall. You need to get it out from the driver's side.

    See Bruno's site for details on how. Nick
    Last edited by genphreak; 09-25-2005 at 07:30 PM.

    Join the Aussie
    540i LE yahoo forum

    08/88 535i e34 M30+miller MAF, 'stiens, tints & teeth!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Better tell us exactly what does not work.
    The heaters for the car just died..Nothing happens
    what does that mean? no air? no change in temperature?
    Do you have an owners manual? See under heating/cooling: if you turn the wheel for the blower fan to the utmust highest position over a certain resistance point, the emergency function should be on and you should get air, but not adjustable.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by shogun
    Better tell us exactly what does not work.
    The heaters for the car just died..Nothing happens
    what does that mean? no air? no change in temperature?
    Do you have an owners manual? See under heating/cooling: if you turn the wheel for the blower fan to the utmust highest position over a certain resistance point, the emergency function should be on and you should get air, but not adjustable.
    When i go to turn the heater blowers on..nothing happens,no blown air,no nothing! They dont turn on, on any position! Dont know whether its an electrical problem or a mechanical one (blower unit)..
    Last edited by DaFreak; 09-25-2005 at 04:00 AM. Reason: More Info

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    The fault is the heater blower unit, located behind an access panel after removing coolant top up unit. When the unit is given a knock/bang..the motor starts up briefly making a horrible noise. Now on to my next question... I've enclosed some pictures..i've spent the day trying to remove the two black covers that seem to be covering the heater blower unit with no luck.. Anyone know how this comes off! Typical BMW Design - No Sense
    Attached Images Attached Images     
    Last edited by DaFreak; 09-26-2005 at 08:56 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Sydney, Australia


    Good stuff. Replacing the brushes in the motot might help- it comes out easily once you get the plastic cover off. There are little (breakable and losable) clips all around it to pry (carefully) and it has two large plastic rings on the inside to be wary of.

    Once that is off there is just the motor retaining strap (spring steel, in the middle). You need a good (large) screwdriver, the right one will just clip it straight off, the wrong one and u fight it for hours and make a mess.

    Try lots of different ones in different ways- I am sure Sean and Johan's page shows this well. Dig for the info... its all the same on an E32.


    Join the Aussie
    540i LE yahoo forum

    08/88 535i e34 M30+miller MAF, 'stiens, tints & teeth!

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