Forget the Haynes manual. The same people write them as make Land Rovers so nothing lines up, the simplest things are made over-complex and the smart bits are ignored altogether. Let alone half of it being round the wrong way in the first place.
It's obvious they use workers laid-off by Leyland in the early 80s to do their documentation.. by contrast the American Bentley manuals are worth the extra money many times over. The Haynes ones cost you in confusion. Never, ever buy one (I wouldn't even photocopy a single page).
However, there is plenty of help online for your problem. I've never had a blown sword, but if I suspected it, I'd look for power at the parts that need it when you select a particular function. If it is just the blower not working and there is no power at the motor, trace back (and yes its proly the sword). Check any relays and fuses JIC (first).
The resistor (or sword) runs along between the console and the firewall. You need to get it out from the driver's side.
See Bruno's site for details on how.Nick