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Thread: Weird electrical problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Weird electrical problem

    I've noticed this happening only when I have been driving with the lights and windshield wipers on. I have never had this problem with just the lights on.

    After I've been driving in the rain with my lights on for about 20 minutes, my emergency blinker lights randomly turn on. I have to push the emergency blinker button in, and back out to turn them off.

    Anyone know what the heck is going on here?
    1989 535i 155k Miles

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Had the same> took me some months to find out after disassembling the hazzard switch and checking fuses, alarm microswitch on top of the battery etc.
    Remove for a test the crash alarm module in the fuse box
    That one was the culprit.
    In most of the cases it is this one, also depending on certain production years.
    If that does not help, check the GM for bad solderings.
    But by 95% I would say it is this brown module.

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