Well, looks like I have a fun issue to contend with. Oil is leaking into the galley on the left side, into the bell housing and on the ground. Cleaned it all up and the problem starts again within a couple of days..

Took it too my indy (www.rhinewest.com) and they say the head gasket is leaking on the left cylinder bank. They are thinking that before we dive in and do a complete head gasket job that we try a work-around. This would entail finding the closest head bolt to the leak, removing it, installing a new bolt and torquing it down. The thought is that a bolt is not holding it fair share and that indentifying the closest bolt and replacing it may solve the problem. Evidently, they have done this proceedure on some six cylinder motors that had coolant leaking from the head and that fixed the problem permanently.

Any thoughts on this?

I am hopeful it works in this instance as the alternative is pull both heads, mill them, new gaskets, etc. etc. About $2k to do properly while covering other bases while it's all apart.

