Originally Posted by calmloki
The 91 cars seemed to switch in the late year to the M50, so some say. I personally have not seen a 91 model year with an M50. Mine is a 9.91 production car... but a 92 year model.
I've got a 10/90 build date M50 525im. Check realoem or the ETK and try the pre-91 build dates (U.S. vehicle). At some point before 91, the M50 became available. Were they both (M20 and M50 build in the same year?)Originally Posted by Jon K
Dave M
10/90 Build 525im, 630,000+km, Eibach/Sachs, Engine Rebuild
*RIP Oskar the DOG*
Originally Posted by calmloki
The 91 cars seemed to switch in the late year to the M50, so some say. I personally have not seen a 91 model year with an M50. Mine is a 9.91 production car... but a 92 year model.
Thanks A Bunch Everyone For Helping!!