if it's like my car you can open the cover on the cieling where the sunroof switch is and under thier this the moter. there is an allen head where you can close in manuly
on my 1989 535iM; Any ideas on what the problem is or how to solve it.
The last time this happened to me I disconnected the battery and waited, reconnected and all was fine.
Must be a faulty relay or soldering connection somewhere
I forgot to mention that when I insert the key in the ignition and turn to position 1 = Power ON, I can hear the relays in the doors for the windows trying to close the windows (even though they are closed), and sunroof and relays under the rear seat clicking until I turn the key off and open the door to break the circuit. I must have a relay sticking somewhere
Last edited by icm5er; 05-02-2006 at 06:24 PM.
if it's like my car you can open the cover on the cieling where the sunroof switch is and under thier this the moter. there is an allen head where you can close in manuly
bilstin HDs, eiback prokit, K&N instert, DEPO fogs, sound system, zimmerman rotors, metal master
The tool that is used to manually operate the sunroof should be in your tool kit that is hanging from the trunk lid. Perhaps the switch is sticking? The contact pads inside can get stuck (taken apart a few of these switches and its definitely possible). Perhaps its as simple as that?
Best regards.
or put your key in the driver's door, turn the key all the way to locked (turn hard until it stops) and wait for all windows to close and, lastly, the sunroof should close.
Unlock the car, and try to see if the sunroof is acting normal again.
I have somewhat the same problem.
My switch is just 1month old. When i push the switch towards med (away from the windshield, the sunroof tilts up, shouldnt it be sliding backwards? i used to to that before, Anyways, It tilts up and i cant get it to close.
Ive figured out at work around. Remove the panel around the switch, unhook the switch and play around with a jumper wire inside the connector until the sunroof closes.. Is it my switch that have gone bad?
When pressing the switch in (into the roof) the sun roof tilts up. Then you slid towards the windshild and that will close it. Sliding it backwarss opens the roof fully.Sounds like your switch is bad?
Car: BMW 525iA.
Engine: M20.
Trans: Auto.
Year: 1990.
Location: Durban, South Africa.
without any warning. I wondering if some moisture got in there somehow.
I manage an eletrical department at a manuafacturing company, and I can tell you that the "rules" for electricity are very strict, and that things don't happen that can suprise you. Well, they can surprise you, but what I mean is that it is predictable and constant. The electron is a stubborn S.O.B.
There was a cause to this failure. Troubleshooting is a learned art and you have to eliminate sections of a system one at a time. I always start with the obvious.........obviously.
Good luck. I can't wait to find out the name of this gremlin.
BMW mechanic told me to check my battery, he thinks it may be going bad and putting out too low a voltage or not holding charge??? which can cause sunroof and window relays to goOriginally Posted by Rob
. He has had same problem, changed battery and solved problem.
For now I have disconnected power to the sunroof motor and closed the sunroof manually, otherwise it opens as soon as I start the car.
I some how don't think it's the battery. However, if you have a digital multimeter, go and see how it is that your battery is putting out while the car is running. I think it should be around 14V. Then turn car off and re test. This time it should be 12V or higher, well if it's 12v then it might be battery.
Also, take the switch out, clean it and inspect it for any burnt or wet parts inside. Will tell you if it's okay or not.
Car: BMW 525iA.
Engine: M20.
Trans: Auto.
Year: 1990.
Location: Durban, South Africa.
In my case it was the switch, changed it and all works again.Originally Posted by Espen