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Thread: stupid things to look back on and laugh (thank god we are alive)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Washington D.C.

    Default stupid things to look back on and laugh (thank god we are alive)

    anybody want to share embarasing, retarded, dangerous, stupid things they have done?? maybe someone can raise the bar....a while back about 6 months after i got my drivers license i was driving my first car, 85 pontiac 6000 hooptie, that thankfully never killed me. i was in a desperate situation...had to go 300 miles back home with no money and a car that a 3rd world refugee would turn down. i decided to risk my life (thankfully no one else was riding with me) the car had 4 different size wheels, no power steering, no power brakes,....really no brakes at all. the pads were so worn that it was metal to metal, the rotors were worn down so thin that to this day i have no idea how they held up. they were maybe 3mm max on both sides, and a deep groove where the pins ground away at the rotor. the transmission would slip and when you got above 60 it would decide to take breaks and just disengage. the brake lines were joined in so many places from repeat fixes im surprised they held. it had a mysterious overheating issue, that i can now confidently diagnose as a blown headgasket. at the time i was clueless. someone was watching out for me because i made that trip succesfully. ...the pic was after i finagled a complete set of rims from a junkyard. the drivers side door wouldnt stay shut...i remember on off ramps and sharp turns it would swing open. lol, im bored at work so if this post is a bit random...........im interested in seeingwhat you guys will come up with.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Wichita, KS


    Oh, there have been so many. Normally aided by my trusty sidekick intoxication, my late teen years were filled with interesting stories. A few favorites:

    16th birthday, finally able to drive a car alone. Take three friends out in my Nissan 200SX. At about 90 on a dirt road the steering began to get light (go figure), I managed to do three 360s, then jump into a ditch and miss a light pole by maybe a foot. That was the beginning......

    Friend got a DUI in the middle of podunk Missouri (Boonville to be exact) on the way home from a concert in St. Louis, cops gave me the choice of being dropped off at a nearby truckstop, or the police station. I made the only choice an underaged, drunken teen would make. Finally found a friendly trucker that was headed to Lawrence, KS, where I was able to have my mom pick me up. She was so proud....

    Being run over my a semi in the 200SX was fun, as was jumping a buddy's Jeep over a highway at 70 MPH (I didn't know it was there). Looking back at all the stupid stuff I did I not only marvel at my survival, but wonder how I could have been so damn stupid. Hopefully my son will inherit his common sense from his mother.
    Matt J.

    '95 540/6- Jim C. chip, Bilsteins, B&B, For Sale!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Washington D.C.


    Quote Originally Posted by onewhippedpuppy
    Hopefully my son will inherit his common sense from his mother.
    hahah Cheers to that...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Thunder Bay, Ontario


    Where to start?

    I think after ten years of bike racing, things don't seem quite as dangerous.

    - Intoxicated running of subway tunnels in Toronto. Try St. Clair West to Eglington West, quite a 'jog'. You get at least two trains passing you (quite closely i might add) on that run.

    - Jumping from one tree into another on a dare. Many, many abrasions.....

    - While fighting wildfires I dropped my nomex suit (down to the old underoos) and sat on a red ant mount for 30 seconds. Many, many bites.......Another dare.

    - Drove my vw scirocco to town sitting on an aspen stump. Both seats were removed from the car and hidden by drunk friends at a party. To be returned days later.

    Could go on, but I'd like to retain some form of dignity.

    Dave M

    10/90 Build 525im, 630,000+km, Eibach/Sachs, Engine Rebuild
    *RIP Oskar the DOG *

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Connecticut, USA


    Pfft, I don't even wanna get into this thread :P

    BTW Matt love the new sig
    1990 Islandgrun 535iM Sedan

    3k oil changes | Euro lights + trim | Eibach/Bilstein | EAT Chip

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Eastern Tennessee USi


    i live a calm and mondane life, the idea of doing anything dangerous is beyond me...LOL
    Quote Originally Posted by ILoveMPower
    Pfft, I don't even wanna get into this thread :P

    BTW Matt love the new sig
    95 E34 530I V2.37
    Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

    John F. Kennedy

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    West Portland, OR


    Crazy car accident in an ///M5 (E39) were going 80mph through a turn here in Beaverton, OR (Laidlaw and 167th). Went through 6 trees and hit both curbs, and missed a van by just less than 2 feet (tire marks) lol

    Yeah, glad I wasn't driving, I would have never forgiven myself. Stupid drunk woman was.

    It was the 5 that kept us all (5 of us) alive, I'm convinced, a honda would have crushed like a tin can through those impacts. Hence why I drive an E34 today :-)
    EuroLux:. Private Detail
    E34 1/'89 ///M20 2.5i: Lachsilber

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Wichita, KS


    Quote Originally Posted by ILoveMPower
    Pfft, I don't even wanna get into this thread :P

    BTW Matt love the new sig
    Thanks! It's at a local upscale shopping center, I had to go at 7 AM when most of the stores are closed. Even then, the people picking up litter were looking at me funny.
    Matt J.

    '95 540/6- Jim C. chip, Bilsteins, B&B, For Sale!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    San Francisco, CA


    The only reason i dont drink is because im too stupid when im sobre. I have had my 525 for almost two years now. Its beetween off roading and driven me home in a flood 2.5ft of water, it's proven to be one of the most amazing piecees of engineering i have ever seen. That car has left over $1k in rubber, foglights, a bumper and other parts in parking lots and patios to a golf course (only once though).
    I would rather not say most things ive done because i think they really say more about the car than how stupid i am anyways. The sad part is most things really do seem like a good idea at the time.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    New Jersey


    I could write a book...but I won't. I wouldn't know where to start, or stop.

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