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Thread: Thinking about going to the 7 series

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Metuchen NJ USA

    Default Thinking about going to the 7 series

    Have any of you gone from an e34 to a 7 series. I am considering moving up and would like some of your opinions, good bad or whatever. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I prefer the 5series for its style and its size. Plenty of room in back for a few kids, trunk is roomy enough to hold a mother in law.

    The 540i has all the goodies that the 7 does unless you want a fridge in the backseat or a 12 cylinder. The trunk is bigger so it will hold a "family sized" mother inlaw and have room left over for groceries.

    If I where to give up the 5 it would be for an 8, I would rather have a 2 door, and I don't have mother inlaw issues any more.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Bay Area, CA


    What kind of 7?

    Build Date: 05-1995 /Engine: m50tu /Automatic Transmission /ABS /NO ASC /Open Differential /EAT Chip

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004


    If you are interested in an E32 7 series, visit my website below and search for 'before buying.....', it covers the chassis, all engines such as the M30, M60 and M70 engine in the various 7 series variations.
    Stay away from EDC, the EDC shocks are more expensive than the whole car is worth, but you can also modify to standard shocks w/o big mods. LAD at the rear is standard for all iL longer versions.
    In case of the 750: I have several and more than 10 years experience with 750iL.
    If you cannot make DIY, stay away from that car, repairs are extremely expensive.
    If you have a small budget for fuel consumption or drive daily long distances: stay away from the 750, it is a gas guzzler in old style.
    In such case I would opt for the 735 with the M30B35 engine, many parts available used, engine is the main working horse in many BMW models.

    BUT, if you can afford the V12 engine and DIY repairs:

    Remember, this was a $70K car >13 years ago and the maintenance and repair costs will be commensurately far and above your basic Chevy or Buick! These cars in their mature years are not for the faint of heart or light of wallet! And I am sure I have left a few things out.

    Most imprtant of all is how and where the car was maintained. If was dealer maintained till the day you bought it and all records are available, then thats best. If Ronnie Ramjet had it and thought it was cool to drag race Chevelles with his V-12 but never changed the oil for 2 years, Run don't walk away and keep looking!
    You would probably spend more than the purchase price in maintainence the first year! Buy with your head and your calculator, not with your heart. The purchase price is just the beginning. Now you have to repair it if it breaks. These cars are addictive (ask any one of us) but sometimes love hurts!

    Sooo If you Ain't Skeered yet... Good Speed and good luck! And welcome to the world of the e32 7's. These cars are like a certain woman I know (who will remain un-named). A true thing of beauty, but very high maintenance and demanding of a lot of attention... But she can perform like no other, and OOOOHHHHHH
    BABY!!! what she can do for you when you two are alone!!!

    (the last part written once by PhillyBob)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    if you do get an E32 750 and start messing with the suspension, i have a front mtech 26mm swaybar with bushings for it if you want.

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