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Thread: Iridium

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Iridium

    I have read on these forums about the iridium plugs and I want to get some but I dont understand one thing. The IK20 which is the plug for my car has a single electrode (one prong) like all iridiums, doesn't the M50 like all DOHC engines require a dual electorde (2 prong or more) plug like the Bosch Plat +2? That is the only thing that stopped me from getting some intially, because my last car a Volvo 760 Turbo really loved the NGK iridium plugs. I would greatly appreciate a response.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    my M60 is DOCH, and the iridium plugs run just fine.

    the ignition spark from an iridium plug is more powerful than a standard 2 electrode plug, and has significantly higher washout resistence.

    the advantages the iridium plugs have are the same reasons they say not to use single electrode plugs, its just that the iridium plugs dont have those problems.

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