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Thread: memory seat switch question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Default memory seat switch question

    To Bill R. and the others who know.
    Is this a switch for memory seats or only for electric seats?

    I have a problem to identify this.
    SWITCH SEAT ADJUSTING FRONT LEFT 02/1989 61311374217 $78.96
    SWITCH SEAT ADJUSTING FRONT LEFT 02/1989 09/1995 61311388110 $78.96
    SWITCH SEAT ADJUSTING FRONT RIGHT 1 02/1989 09/1995 61311388111 $78.96
    SWITCH SEAT ADJUSTING FRONT LEFT 1 02/1989 61311374492 $111.04
    SWITCH SEAT ADJUSTING FRONT LEFT 1 02/1989 61311374492 $111.04
    So it clearly says
    A) switch seat adjustment

    and then especially

    for vehicles with memory.

    The problem is I do not know the difference, all my cars have memory seats, I have never seen a switch for "without memory".
    Someone is asking me to show him the innards of one WITH memory switch system.
    Or what could be the difference.
    He bought most of the items for memory system including the module under the seat, but the switches are the old ones from electric seats only. So what to change in the original switch?

    Thanks a lot
    Last edited by shogun; 07-30-2006 at 10:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Default I'm convinced you'll be able to use the Power seat ...

    switch in a memory seat system, but not sure about the other way around. For memory seat application, you only need part of the switch operation to signal the module. Connector is the same, and layout of the switch will be OK for memory application. Also, contact may be (?) weaker for memory module signaling, comparing to contact for motor switching.

    The link you showed, by sure is a switch for power seats, and the problem described is typical for long time of inductive load switching. That is the load imposed in the switch for Power seats and not memory seats.

    You will need though, the memory switch module (not the adjusting, but the memory setting and retrieving), the proper seat with actuators and feed back potentiometers, the mirror adjusting switch, and the memory mirrors.

    Not sure what will happen in a memory seat module, if you ask for retrieval of a setting, and it does not receive back the mirror feedback signals?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Thanks Javier,

    it is actually for someone in Russia with an E32 750iL. He is modifying all to memory from normal electric seats, mirrors and he has the memory module to put under the driver seat, new memory mirrors (inside if different from electric ones and more wires and different plug), but he still has not the switches for memory.
    Bill R. told me that the pic in above link is a electric seat only, but not memory seat. But he hasn't a pic of a memory seat switch inside.

    If someone has a switch apart or knows a pic online, let me know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    baton rouge, loserana


    something that helps when you take a switch apart is to do it with the switch in a plastic bag, the springs and barbells are numerous and self ejecting
    all america wants is cold beer warm cat and a place to take a poop with a door on it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Sydney Oz


    Sorry - can't help with pictures - but I can tell you that there are some significant differences in similar looking switches.

    I picked up a switch from the wrecker to replace a passenger seat one with two broken posts on it. Got home, noticed that there was one less pin on the back - nothing worked. Back to the wrecker - another switch, pins identical but the indents for the wiring plug were different and the plug would not go in properly. So - I pulled them both apart and rebuilt my original with posts from the "new" switch.

    Summary issues - pins & plug compatability.


    '90 E34 M5
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Default got the details

    from my friend Reinhard in Germany, the electronic guru of the German 7 board:

    Hi Erich
    Der Unterschied vom Powersitz zum Memory ist Pin 5 und 6. Beim Powersitz ist 6 Masse und 5 Plus, bei Memory ist nur Pin 5 Masse über einen Widerstand und Pin 6 nicht angeschlossen, es fehlt auch die Plusleitung im Schalter.

    Gruß Reinhard


    the difference between power seat and memory seat switch are pins 5 and 6.

    Power seat: 6 is ground and 5 plus

    Memory seat: there is only pin 5 is ground via a resistor connected, pin 6 is not connected. Also the plus wire is missing in the switch itself.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Default Yes, that is the reason a power seat switch, ...

    (with pins 5 and 6 present), will mostly work on a memory seat car, but the memory seat switch will be missing the pin 6 to provide ground connection for the motors, required by the power seat.

    If you check the drawings for operation at both applications, the contact operation related to pin 5 is the same for both seat types.


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