Well, lets just say I'm ****ing retarded, and I feel like an *******.

After having too many drinks last night, I was driving to go get some food from Arbys. I went to pass a jeep, and wound out 3rd gear pretty good, then as my friend said it, I "banged 4th without a rubber." I'm not sure exactly what I did, if I just didnt have the clutch in enough when I tried to jam it into gear, but it started making a LOUD rattling sound.

I pulled over, thinking I had just fried my clutch or smoked 4th gear or something, but the car still went into gear and drove fine, somewhat...

When I'm driving along in say, 3rd gear for example, and the RPMs are at about 2.5, just cruising, the shifter will be vibrating just a bit more than normal. But as soon as I let off the throttle, it "bucks" (for lack of a better term) before the engine begins to compression brake and then the shifter starts rattling and shaking rather violently. If I hold the shifter firmly, it stops rattling loud, but I can still feel the violent shaking.

I have no clue exactly what the hell I did, any help is much appreciated. The clutch still seems the same as far as taking off on a hill and whatnot, I'm not sure if its the guibo or something perhaps?

Thanks in advance,
- Jeremy