bad batt connections can cause all sorts of gremlins, I'll bet their all related to it.
I've so far blow 4 fuses in the last month or so.
here's the tally so far
2 x rear demister (under hood fuse box 2nd fuse blew within a day so I suspect blown relay so i won't replace fuse until i've checked it out)
1 x indicator fuse (no problems otherwise)
1 x parking light fuse left (bulb was blown)
followed by a hand brake light that doesn't fully go out when the hand brake is put down. (and last night dim hand brake and altenator lights)
now i have had to disconnect the battery a few times during that period to look at the slip ring (which i have finally replaced), my question is could this be associated with a bad connection on the negative terminal of the battery?
Germans: Why can't they make everything?
bad batt connections can cause all sorts of gremlins, I'll bet their all related to it.
95 E34 530I V2.37
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy
the ground strap between the chassis and the block, the ground cable and terminal, and cleaned the fusible link terminals and replaced the link.
Did all this because I was experiencing some electrical problems.
The problems are gone.
Vee ave vays of dealing vid your kind...........