Jiggle the wheel as the steering lock could be binding. Otherwise it sounds like the lock has broken. It's common on these cars and is covered here, search ignition lock or switch.
My ignition switch will only turn a 1/4 of the way. I can not start the car but the steering wheel will unlock. Can any one help?
1989 535i
Jiggle the wheel as the steering lock could be binding. Otherwise it sounds like the lock has broken. It's common on these cars and is covered here, search ignition lock or switch.
"The gas pedal wouldn't go to the floor if it weren't meant to be there"
Mine just did this a couple of weeks ago. It would turn just enough to unlock the wheel if I held it there, but it wouldn't quite make it to position 1 (accessories on). I tried jiggling and it still wouldn't turn. I couldn't remove the lock with the paper clip because it wouldn't make it to position 1 to line up the little hole where it needs to go.Originally Posted by WILLIETOPZ
I could remove the electrical part and get the car started, but I couldn't steer unless holding the key forward. Didn't think that was a good idea so I had it towed. Ended up having to replace the ignition cylinder and housing at the dealer for just under $700. The housing is what caught me by surprise and is what drove up the cost. I guess there are parts in there not shown on realoem.com that can wear and cause problems in addition to the cylinder.
The new parts were keyed to the VIN so my original key would work. Took a few days to get the parts in.