I've got a set of staggered replicas that I'm very happy with. But frankly, if I had to do it again, I'd prob go with the same size all around. I've got a tiny bit of rubbing in the rear (when I've got the car full of people, which nearly never happens). But more than anything, when I went to get an alignment, I took it to a specialist that knew what he was doing, and since there's very little adjustment built into the suspension on our cars, there was little he could do to get the specs right with the lowered suspension (Sachs Sport Kit). He said if they weren't staggered, he could play around with moving some wheels around to better leverage the little differences in the wheels, etc. But since they were staggered and with directional tires - there was nothing he could do. In any case, I think either staggered or not would be the mutts nuts.