Anybody know how the SEAT BACK ELEVATION TOGGLE SWITCH SPRING fits in where I indicated correctly? When i opened the switch it was already out and i fitted it back in directly to the right of the sloted opening which i just discovered forces the switch to remain activating the "Back Down" command. I'm about to open it up again and i nearly threw it across the room last time so I'll wait to see if anyone knows,lol..
1995 540i Manual build 1/95
Well I figured the spring placements out alright, didn't lose any of the tiny springs and all my barbells looked clean. So excited was I to have figured out the reassembly i neglected to clean the copper surface with some Kontak contact cleaner i bought from England and after getting the switch back in it still appears i'm in the same situation where the seat base will not lower,rises fine angles too just won't go straight back down with the switch.Will reposition lower from one of the memory settings i had programmed in and will elevate again with the toggle lever so I guess now that i know how it all fits back together i can take it back apart again sometime and try cleaning the copper board surface... also noticed there is a hole in the switch block and the plastic seat surround molding which appears set up to receive a screw but neither the driver's or as i found the passenger seat has this screw in place.. did they back out or were they just maybe left out? maybe they were removed from some previous servocing... just wondering if anyone else noticed that.
Last edited by Jehu; 10-15-2007 at 10:47 PM.
1995 540i Manual build 1/95