So I volunteered to help the local CCA chapter prepare for this weekend's driver's school at VIR. Rushed home from work, mowed the lawn, cleaned up, and asked the wife to borrow her 525 (my 318 is incapacitated, awaiting center bearing). Nothing says cool like cruising around in a fiver with a babyseat, windowshade, and toys hanging from the grip handle...

Showed up at the appointed place to be greeted by a driveway full of E36 M3s. "This is gonna be fun!", I thought. And it was. Step out of the car to be greeted by the host, as he's showing off his almost-ready '71 2002, beautifully turned out in Inka(?) orange. Engine-turned panels abound, Panasports, ATL fuel cell, rip-roaring ready for SVRA or any other vintage outing, not to mention CCA! We sat around a table stuffing envelopes with info for the weekend, run schedules, track maps, etc. A great time.

After finishing, it was back out to the 2002 for more "discussion". The whole crew was super-nice, and said for me to hurry up and finish the E30 and bring it out. They even said that Ray Korman took a 525ia out at VIR and embarassed some folks in M3s...

Just a nice evening out with Ginger...

Bill B.