Minneapolis BMW Owner’s Group
Founder: Eric Kozar
E-Mail: estonbach@aol.com
Yahoo Groups “MinneapolisBMW”
Official Website: TechnoBMW.com

Fellow Members,

Summer is here in full force and July is coming to a close to bring on the heat of August. It's amazing how our Minnesota weather goes through its changes from the extreme dry chill of winter to the humid and tropical summers. With September just a little over a month away, climatic changes make their way to the Twin Cities and so does the transition to fall as temperatures fall at night and so too does the daily temperatures. In retrospect, last year our group's numbers in participation grew monthly as several of you told other BMW owners about our group, let's continue the tradition! It's still an excellent example of how owners and enthusiasts can get together and share their knowledge, backgrounds and passion for such a great marquee. We have endured great changes as a group and in many of our lives over the course of about 18 months since of our inception. I know that summer is a wonderful time to spend with you're friends and family in backyard picnics and in cocktail parties. It's a time for camping and summer getaways to take that road trip out west or stay around town and tackle some of those long awaited projects around the house.

I'm asking you this directly, make the decision to come to our monthly gathering this Tuesday, August 3rd at 7:00 PM in the parking lot of the Calhoun Professional building. Show you're support of the Minneapolis BMW Owner's Group! Tell other BMW owners about the TechnoBMW.com website, forum at the Bimmerboard.com website through TechnoBMW.com and our Yahoo group "MinneapolisBMW," tell them what we are all about! Network with others and think about some of the things I've said. The fuse is lit and it's only a matter of time before I make this happen, with or without you is you're decision, but it's going to happen! If I see more of a following, it will only inspire me do go further beyond you're expectations! The only thing you have to do is just show you're support by being there this coming TUESDAY EVENING! You wonder why I came up with TechnoBMW.com as a name for our website? It's all about energy, shocking the senses, being innovative and experimental; I think that's what BMW is all about! Here's the IMPORTANT information, change is a good thing if you're willing to take chances!

Gathering Date: Tuesday, AUGUST 3rd, 2004
Calhoun Professional Building (Time 7:00PM)
3033 Excelsior Blvd.
Minneapolis, MN 55416

Caribou Coffee (Time 7:30PM)
3044 Excelsior Boulevard #103
Minneapolis, MN

If You have ANY questions, you can E-mail me directly at estonbach@aol.com.

I hope you can make it, it's not me, its all about you because YOU are what makes this group what we are, power is in numbers and EVERYBODY counts!

-Eric Kozar (Founder)