What a total pain in the butt, never had one fight me like that before. Had to buy another socket & turn it down Bill R. style again. The seal had been serviced before & the flange nut was last put in with permanent Loctite. It takes heat, lot's of heat to break down Loctite 271, 450F to be exact. Guess I wasn't getting it hot enough the 1st time so if a little bit of heat is good, more is better right? It came off finally after rattling it with the impact wrench for 15 or 20 seconds. I bought another flange nut this morning just in case and was prepared to drill & split the old one with a chissel if that's what it was going to take.
If that wasn't all, the yoke flange was Loctited to the splines as well, but at least it pried out with screwdriver leverage without too much effort & didn't have to resort to a gear puller.
The seal surface on the yoke took quite a bit of polishing on the lathe with 600, 1000, & 1600 grit & WD-40 to smooth out the corrosion pitting, no wonder it was leaking, the lip on the old seal was pretty well shot.
Hopefully I won't have to visit this little chore again, on this car at least.